
Gingival Health Week

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Our educational videos

1/9 videos
Diabetes and Oral Health
Diabetes and Oral Health
Habits that Make a Difference
Habits that Make a Difference
Recognition of Signs and Early Actions
Recognition of Signs and Early Actions
Oral Health and Well-Being
Oral Health and Well-Being
Oral Care During Pregnancy
Oral Care During Pregnancy
Oral Health and Systemic Health Conversation
Oral Health and Systemic Health Conversation
Diabetes and oral health - perspective of diabetologist Dr. Jenny Cepeda
Diabetes and oral health - perspective of diabetologist Dr. Jenny Cepeda
Diabetes and oral health - perspective of periodontist Dr. Paula Yunes
Diabetes and oral health - perspective of periodontist Dr. Paula Yunes
Dr. José E. Costa Gil - President Latin American Diabetes Association
Dr. José E. Costa Gil - President Latin American Diabetes Association


Gingival Health Week

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Informative material

Oral Health and Well-Being

Recognizing Signs and Early Actions

Oral Care During Pregnancy

Habits That Make a Difference

Diabetes and Oral Health

Oral Health Guides

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Informative material

Oral Health in the Infant (Guide for Parents)

Oral Health in Infants (Guide for Pediatricians)


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Dental caries in Latin American and Caribbean countries urgent need for a regional consensus

Periodontal disease and its impact on the general health of the population of Latam

Consensus for teaching dental caries in the Portuguese Language at Brazilian dental schools

Core Cariology Curriculum Framework in Spanish for Latin American dental schools - development and consensus

Situational diagnosis of policies in Latin American and Caribbean countries for the use of fluoride and reduction of sugar consumption

Towards a new perspective on oral health, Cariology Education and Public Health in Latin America and the Caribbean


Virtual events

This channel will be available soon!

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